Latest Episodes2021-07-27T19:47:32+00:00

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Power of Prayer

January 31st, 2014|Thoughts|

The Power of Prayer For many of us the source of our motivation to pray is our belief that

Regard for the Other

January 25th, 2014|Laws, Studies|

The Torah states: "Speak to Aaron and his children saying: This is the law of the hatath. In the

Everybody Counts

December 24th, 2013|Thoughts|

Everybody Counts It would be fair to say that many of us have personal peeves and dissatisfaction with our


November 26th, 2013|Studies|

Lessons from Eretz Yisrael Do out of Love. Do out of Fear. A measure of pragmatism must always be used

Makom Kavua

November 4th, 2013|Hebrew, Studies, Thoughts|

Makom Kavua Praying in the same seat in the same synagogue on a daily basis is commonly perceived as

For the Greater Good

October 24th, 2013|Hebrew, Studies|

For the Greater Good אין דור שאין בו ליצנים. מה היו פריצי הדור עושין? היו הולכין אצל חלונותיו של

Announcing Coins

October 15th, 2013|Thoughts|

The Mishnah (Shekalim 1:1) teaches that on the first of Adar the courts of each city would announce to


September 29th, 2013|Hebrew, Studies|

Lawlessness א"ר אחא כתיב כי מלאה הארץ חמס מפניהם (ברא' ו:יג). ומה היה חמסן? הוה בר נש נפיק טעין

Blessing over the Rain

September 25th, 2013|Hebrew, Laws, Studies|

Blessing over Rain רב יהודה בר יחזקאל אמר הכין הוה יחזקאל אבא מברך על ירידת גשמים יתגדל יתקדש יתברך

Women Going out Adorned

September 23rd, 2013|Hebrew, Thoughts|

Women Going out Adorned A woman’s modesty has always been encouraged by our Sages in various degrees and under

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The Designer Show


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