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Talmud Yerushalmi Institute is a 501 (c) (3) non-for-profit entity.

Teachings of the Land of Israel Throughout The Ages

The Teachings of the Land of Israel contain a treasury of wisdom and ethical teachings that have daily relevance to all of us. These teachings are imprinted with the special beauty and flavor of the Land of Israel. The land of Israel and its teachings go hand in hand, and are a source of a wealth of Jewish wisdom and ideas and are inexorably connected with the Jewish People and its Land. These native teachings, imprinted by the Land of Israel are at the core of our Jewish Consciousnesses and are crucial instruments in raising our self-awareness as a people and strengthening our ties with our Holy Land. From the broader audience to the Israeli legal system, the teachings of the Land of Israel have yet to make their contribution!

Chumra and Prohibiting the Permissible

Chumra and Prohibiting the Permissible (החומרא ואסירת המותר). The Talmud Yerushalmi cautions about taking unnecessary stringencies, both in their positive sense of taking upon

Amidah: Sacrifice or Prayer?

Amidah: Sacrifice or Prayer? The Gemara is found in Berachoth 1:1 and discusses the source for the halakhah that during


The Jerusalem Talmud Today Notwithstanding the continued interest in the Jerusalem Talmud through out the generations, this Talmud still

Through The Ages

Jerusalem Talmud Throughout The Ages The Jerusalem Talmud did not cease to be studied through out the ages. In

Our Partners

We are both grateful and fortunate to have such extraordinary partners and distribution channels.

Orthodox Union

OU – Israel

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary

Arutz Sheva

Jewish Press

Foundation Stone

The Times of Israel

Rabbinical Council of America

Jerusalem Post


About Us & Our Mission

The teachings of the Land of Israel are inexorably connected with the Jewish People and its Land. These native teachings imprinted by the Land of Israel are at the core of our Jewish Consciousnesses and are crucial instruments in raising our self awareness as a People and strengthening our ties with our Holy Land.

The teachings of the Land of Israel are a source of a wealth of Jewish Wisdom and Ideas. As Jewish history progresses toward our ultimate redemption, opening up the hitherto closed doors of the teachings of the Land of Israel is a very crucial project. We are researching the halakha, hashkafa and character of the teachings of  the Land of Israel and are bringing to light their rich and unique substance, ultimately giving them a prominence of their own. We are poised at making a mark on our People by producing and disseminating materials targeting all kinds of audiences, enriching and inspiring them in away appreciable by each one in their own way. From the broader audience to the Israeli legal system, the teachings of the Land of Israel have yet to make their contribution!

Michael Linetsky founded the Talmud Yerushalmi Institute with the help and guidance of Dr. Norman Lamm. After spending many years in the study of the Talmud Yerushalmi and inquiring into its structure and composition, Rabbi Linetsky came to the realization that an entire field of Torah Study remains to be unveiled. The Gaon of Vilna once said that Messianic times will be marked by a renewed interest in the study and analysis of the Talmud Yerushalmi. A few years of his own inquiry into the character of the Talmud Yerushalmi yielded more than one thousand observations on phenomena related to the redaction, composition, and character of the Talmud Yerushalmi. These observations, combined with a continued study of the Talmud Yerushalmi can serve as the raw material for a myriad of studies each having the potential of bringing to light much important information about the Talmud Yerushalmi. Each study is just a piece of a much larger puzzle.

Board of Directors

Rabbi Norman Lamm

Board of Directors Emeritus

Rabbi Michael Linetsky

Institute Founder & President

Joshua Weiss, PhD


Steering Committee & Research Team

Rabbi Dr. Zvi Hirsch Weinreb

Executive Director Emeritus Orthodox Union

Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Cohen

Assistant Dean Bernard Revel Graduate School

Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

Former President, Rabbinical Council of America

Rabbi Dr. Elazar Hurvitz

Halakhic, Midrashic & Geonic Literature & Genizah Research

In The Press

The Talmud Yerushalmi Institute’s Board President and Founder, Michael Linetsky, is a contributing author on the Jewish Press and Yeshiva.

The Sages of the Land of Israel thousands of years ago gave us insights into the historical swings in the attitudes of the Nations towards the Jewish People. Their insights may help us make sense of what is going around us today in Israel and the world of anti-antisemitism!

Click here for the full article.

Israel & The Nations

Unity among the Jewish People definitely exists, perhaps more often than among other people. When the life of a fellow Jew is at risk, Jews of all backgrounds come together to try to save him.

Click here for the full article.

Jewish Unity

The Torah introduces the code of law that the Priest was to use in order to determine the ritual status of objects stricken with Leprosy, “to pronounce it pure, or to pronounce it impure” (Lev. 13:59).

Click here for the full article.

Leprosy: Stringency & Leniency

God commands Aaron and his children to observe God’s watch for seven days at the opening of the Tent of Meeting. The meaning of “God’s watch” here is not entirely clear. In what sense is this watch God’s?

Click here for the full article.

All Death & Mourning Are Felt by the Cosmos

Some of us have been disappointed with our religious appointees one time or another. It may be because we felt that they are not qualified for their job or because we felt they have failed us.

Click here for the full article.

Judging Our Sages

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